Tips and tricks for using White ink, FLXfinish+, and ONYX or Caldera

  • Profiling documentation, print data, and other tools at the bottom of this page
  • Visit our ONYX Software page for links to printer drivers and ONYX TV

For C1630 C1650 colour

How to use

White ink

How to use

FLXfinish+ with Colorado

How-to videos for using

ONYX with Colorado

How-to videos for using

Caldera with Colorado


Generic media models



Print Files, Conversion Tools, and Profiling Guides:

Profiling Guides, How-To, and RIP Information

Loading Data
Name Type Release Date
Applications Bulletin A5014 - Colorado M-series FLXture Multi-layer Micro Texture Application bulletin 29th May 2024
Tips and tricks for building textures with PRISMAguide
Apps Bulletin 5011 - Creating Neon-look files for Colorado and Arizona Application bulletin 17th Jul 2023
Outlining a possible way to generate Neon-look image data for demo files
FLXfinish+ How to Guide Technical guide 17th Nov 2022
Tips & Tricks on how to create a mixed matte/gloss PDF file, and how to set up the RIP
Colorado M-series Caldera profiling Guide Technical guide 7th Apr 2023

Colorado M-series ONYX Profiling Guide Technical guide 16th Feb 2023

Colorado 1630 ONYX Profiling Guide Technical guide 30th May 2022

Colorado 1630 Caldera Profiling Guide Technical guide 30th May 2022

Colorado 1650 Onyx Profiling Guide Technical guide 30th May 2022

Colorado 1650 Caldera Profiling Guide Technical guide 30th May 2022

Colorado 1630 Generic Profiling Guide Technical guide 14th Apr 2022

Touchstone_A5001_Creating_Touchstone_Profiles_in_ONYX Application bulletin 21st Nov 2022

Application Bulletin 50 ONYX 11 – ONYX Media Profile and ICC Profile Creation Guidelines Application bulletin 2nd Jun 2014
Application Bulletin 49 Océ Arizona ONYX ICC Profile Creation Tip – Add Gutters Application bulletin 28th Nov 2013
Application Bulletin 40 ONYX X10 Media Model and ICC Profile Creation Guidelines Application bulletin 2nd Dec 2010

Sample Files

Loading Data
Name Size Release Date
Colorado M-series OCP Smart Ink Limit 358.2kB 16th Feb 2023
Test image for use when determining OCP settings
FLXfinish+ Sample and Demo files 84.3MB 20th Jun 2022
Zip file containing 9 demo files in pdf format and including a spot colour layer for use with FLXfinish+
Colorado1650 OCP Smart Ink Limit 351kB 9th Aug 2021
PDF Image data for use with the Colorado 1650 profiling guides
Colorado1630 PreLin56 OCP Ink Limit 358.2kB 14th Jun 2021

PDF Image data for use with the Colorado 1630 profiling guides. Updated August 2021, to improve the visibility level of wrinkle per OCP level

Media Verification Protocol and Profiling Tools

Loading Data
Name Type Release Date
UVgel Media Verification Protocol User guide 11th Jul 2018