Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives is now officially a Canon UVgel ambassador. Congratulazioni!
The Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives division was created with the merger of Ritrama, Arconvert and Manter dedicated to developing and producing self-adhesive materials. With 9 production plants, 17 product lines, 1,535 million square metres of material, Fedrigoni serves (almost) every market, from food to pharmaceuticals, from the world of visual communication to completely customised projects.
The team of Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives visited the application lab in Canon Production Printing’s HQ in Venlo, the Netherlands and spent a few intensive days profiling and testing their media portfolio. Resulting in 5 Fedrigoni media available with downloadable media profile and specification sheets on the graphiPLAZA as a start with more types to follow in the future.
The Media Ambassador Program has been set-up with the ambition to make UVgel one of the leading technologies in the Large Format Graphics market. Media manufacturers from all over the globe are eager to participate as UVgel print volumes are growing month over month.
With a large percentage of Colorado sales realized through the Partner Channel the Media Ambassador Program is even more important as a major part of the Partner revenues is based on media sales.
Next to the direct commercial goal the Program also creates the possibility to build relationships with media manufacturers and partners. With the goal to increase UVgel knowledge at media manufacturers and make UVgel part of their priorities in new media developments.