Frequently Asked questions
What to do if I encounter problems in using graphiPLAZA?
If you encounter any problems while using graphiPLAZA, please contact graphiplaza@cpp.canon. This contact email-address can also be used to report bugs or any other issues found.
Usage and access
How is the user access for (potential) customers arranged within graphiPLAZA?
A customer can easily register for graphiPLAZA by clicking on the red ‘register-button’ on the top of the page. After confirmation that your registration has been approved, you will receive an e-mail with instructions to sign-in on graphiPLAZA for the first time.
How is the user access for Canon employees arranged within graphiPLAZA?
User access management for employees is handled by the generic Canon Production Printing user access system (Canon employee can easily login using his/her existing Canon account). To get access the graphiPLAZA account has to be activated in the user access system. Contact your regional contactperson or send an email to graphiplaza@cpp.canon to activate your account.
What types of users are defined within graphiPLAZA?
Within graphiPLAZA a number of user roles are defined. Depending on these roles users have access to the, for them, appropriate content of graphiPLAZA. Confidential materials and the forum are not be available for (potential) customers.
How to unsubscribe as graphiPLAZA user?
If you want to unsubscribe as graphiPLAZA user, please contact graphiplaza@cpp.canon. The moderator will then remove you from the the graphiPLAZA user database.
How is content published at graphiPLAZA?
graphiPLAZA content is moderated to ensure high quality and up-to-date information. Within the system a limited group of moderators is appointed. They are responsible for publishing new information, facilitating the forum-discussions and are the contact persons for graphiPLAZA. If you have new content you want to be published on graphiPLAZA, please contact graphiplaza@cpp.canon.
Who can participate in the graphiPLAZA forum?
All users, except (potential) customers, can take part in the forum. The forum is an open environment, which means questions are posted immediately and users can respond instantly. For more detailed information on the use of the forum please read the rules of participation.
How is content published at graphiPLAZA?
graphiPLAZA content is moderated to ensure high quality and up-to-date information. Within the system a limited group of moderators is appointed. They are responsible for publishing new information, facilitating the forum-discussions and are the contact persons for graphiPLAZA. If you have new content you want to be published on graphiPLAZA, please contact graphiplaza@cpp.canon.
Does search work similar to google?
Yes, we aim to offer the same level of search possibilities as you are used to in other technologies.
Is the search dependent on the user role?
Yes, you can only find what you are allowed to see in graphiPLAZA.
Connections to other platforms
What is the difference between graphiPLAZA and Prego?
For LFG marketing information and news, graphiPLAZA replaces Prego. All content has been transferred to graphiPLAZA.
Is graphiPLAZA the substitute for mediaguide.cpp.canon?
The Media section in graphiPLAZA is using mediaguide as database back-end. To provide worldwide information mediaguide is expanded to CPP level.
Can graphiPLAZA be used to share local information with e.g. account managers?
No, this is not the purpose of graphiPLAZA, it should not be used as the current intranet.
Technical background information
What browsers are supported?
graphiPLAZA is compatible with the following internet browsers:
- Last Androidversion
- Last Chrome Android version
- Last 2 Chrome versions
- Last 2 Firefox versions
- Last 2 Safari versions
- Last 2 iOS versions
- Last 2 Edge versions
- Last 2 Operaversions
- InternetExplorer 11 and higher
graphiPLAZA will be accessible within older browsers; however, some functionality may not be served in the same format.